Friday, September 3, 2010

Atlanta Journal - 1909 "NATH OBJECTS TO TAKING OF TEXT"

Headline: "Evangelist at Wesley Memorial Tabernacle Amazes Congregation With Utterances on Old Custom."

A gale of amazement swept the crowded congregation at Wesley Memorial Tabernacle Monday night when Nath Thompson the evangelist, now conducting a series of meetings there, ripped boldly into the venerable custom of ministers taking texts when they go to preach a sermon.

"I want to know who started this text-taking business anyhow," said the unique evangelist bringing his boulder-like fist down upon the table with a crash. Christ didn't do it, nor Paul, nor any of the old teachers!"

Several of the brethren present glanced about in alarm but the speaker was indifferent to this."Nifty Nath" as he has come to be popularly called, is a mountaineer in a spiritual as well as a geographical sense. He breathes like a blacksmith's bellows, thinks as rapidly as a fox can run, and preaches like a hurricane cutting its way through the woods.

"There is too much sound in present day religion," he said, "and many Christians are out of breath. I don't like the bark of a dog unless there's a possum up the tree and whenever I go rabbit hunting I want to be able to show some rabbit hair in my teeth."

Tuesday night Nath will talk on "Thoroughbreds and Scrubs in Religion." Larger and larger crowds are coming out to hear him and President Roosevelt himself could not wish for anything more strenuous than what he gives. His sermons in fact are nothing short of religious bear hunts.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

# 5 - "Uncle Nath" says

My father was from Kentucky. He bought many a carload of horses and mules from his native state and others hard by and sold them to farmers, sawmills, and turpentine woodsmen.

When I left for my first appointment in Teas, he said to me, "Now Nath, I want you to promise me two things. First, that you will always feed your own horse. Some might feed him too much, another too little. If you feed him yourself, you will know how to ride him."

One fifth Sunday I preached at a little school house and went home with a family for dinner. The husband started to take my horse and I told him what I had promised my Daddy. "Alright then, come on. There's the crib, shuck out the corn and I will throw you down a good bundle of fodder." I shucked out ten big ears.

The other thing my Daddy wanted me to promise was that I would never go on another man's note. "Why Papa, you know a Methodist circuit rider can't be bothered with anything like that!" "Very well," said my Daddy, "you just promise." So I did.

For the first few years I never got over $500; however, in later years the pay got better. But the joy of service was just the same. And the promise I had made my Daddy came in mighty handy!

                                                                                                         "Uncle Nath"

# 4 - "Uncle Nath" says

My wife, "Miss Sara," asked me one time, did I feel hurt not to be able to participate in Christian activities like I use to? "No," I said, " God would be hurt if I was not grateful for my long life and for the many good experiences I have had along the way."

I find pleasure in just knowing that many fine younger bothers and sisters are putting over a better job. That is no reflection on me. Is it not rather a reflection on the one who will not improve on the past? One of the glories of the Christian religion is to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit guides us - maybe takes us somewhere we have never been before. Not to more museums but to places that will build character. I want to know I have been a fellow who showed others how to get things done by doing it, not one who just sat down and watched others do it. Yours for still trying to get things done,
                                                                                                                               "Uncle Nath"


Sunday, August 15, 2010

# 3 - "Uncle Nath" Advocate Articles - written between 1940- 1962 - applicable to us today

(in his own words)
Friends, let me preach a little!
The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:17: "Honor all men, love the broken hearted, fear God."

Now we may not make the headlines of some newspaper, but we can work every day to help God and our fellow man bring peace and plenty to the world.

It is a God-like ambition and there's nothing like it this side of Heaven!

Stocks and bonds may lose their value, sparkling diamonds may attract a thief, costly mansions may go up in smoke, but if we live by that verse in 1 Peter we will find it pays solid dividends.

Why live any other way when right this minute we can receive a solid title to that mansion beyond the skies?

We don't need a safety deposit box in some big bank! God has a safe that defies all - thieves, fires, and all things that calls themselves "valuable."
                                                                                    "Uncle Nath"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

#2 - More Random Thoughts from "Uncle Nath"

- How many young people need you to help them walk tall?
- Alcohol preserves the dead and plays havoc with the living.
- A man or a woman ought to be as good as he seems, and as good as he is!
- Children have never been good at listening to their elders, and they have never failed at imitating them.
- What happens to the youth of tomorrow depends on what happens to them today, and what happens to them today depends on us!
- Good fathers not only help make good children, they also help make good mothers.
- Give the devil enough rope and he won't hang himself but he'll sho' hang you!
- The sweetest thing is a home, even sweeter than a honeycomb, are a mother's eyes as she looks into the face of her child.
- JOY is a little word with a big meaning - Do you have JOY in your religion?
- No ceremony can take the place of visiting the sick, and ...
- No ceremony can take the place of caring for the widow and the orphan.
- The center of gravity of the cross is not on earth to pull us down, but in Heaven to pull us up!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random thoughts of "Uncle Nath"

- If you can make other people like themselves better then they like you better
- A half truth is worse than a whole lie
- I know some people who are proud of their ignorance
- When outsides meet a Christian they should be able to see the light and feel the warmth
- Deeds must be given priority over Greeds
- Defend the Bible? Live by it, it needs no defense!
- No ceremony can tke the place of hunting the lost sheep.
- Be not afraid, keep your head up, your heart warm, and your knees bent
- Jumping a ditch is a simple act. The important thing is to jump far enough to clear it.
- Zacahaeus was small in build but e became a big man in the history of the church
- The Beatitudes are beautiful - and also practical
- What a person reads they are likely to think